Introduction: Historically, the LGBTIQ+ population has experienced some degree of discrimination and violation of human rights by other communities, including family, friends, and the general public, as well as in various public and private spaces such as homes, schools, universities, and healthcare institutions. Objective: Describe the knowledge that nursing professionals from healthcare institutions in Medellín have regarding the care of LGBTIQ+ individuals who are victims of prejudice-based violence. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted with nursing professionals. The sample was selected through non-probabilistic sampling. Data were collected using a self-designed questionnaire validated for content with an Aiken's V coefficient of 0.95. The collected data were processed using Excel, and descriptive statistical analysis was performed using central tendency and percentage distribution measures. Results: The study included 35 nursing professionals, 68.6% (n=24) of whom participated. The concept most familiar to participants was gender identity, which was understood by 94.3% (n=33). However, 57.2% (n=20) were unfamiliar with or unsure about gender expression. Additionally, 51.4% (n=18) were unaware of the existence of differential healthcare protocols, while 34.3% (n=12) reported that such protocols do not exist, and 14.3% (n=5) indicated that such protocols are available. Conclusions: The study highlights the urgent need to develop and implement care guidelines and protocols that standardize the work of healthcare staff and improve service quality. Rigorous implementation of these protocols, adequate training, and continuous monitoring are essential to ensure effective and respectful care.
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