Perception of university students about the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (VTP)
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Social Perception
Sex education
Health Programs

How to Cite

Guillén Durango , C. A., Taborda Mesa , M. F., Gutierrez Montoya , M. C., & Ochoa Villegas, L. F. (2024). Perception of university students about the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (VTP). Lumini-Science: Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 3–25.


Introduction: VTP is a controversial and relevant topic in Colombia, where it has been legal under specific conditions since 2006 and decriminalized up to the 24th week of gestation since 2022. Considered a sexual and reproductive right, its safe and legal access is essential to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce maternal mortality. However, perceptions vary between those who see it as a fundamental right and those who oppose it for religious reasons. This study aims to characterize students’ perceptions, knowledge of the subject, and the factors influencing these views.  Objective: To analyze student’s perception from a higher education institution in Medellín, Colombia, regarding voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP).  Methodology: This quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was based on a self-developed questionnaire validated by expert judgment. The questionnaire assessed university students’ perceptions of VTP, categorizing them as positive, intermediate, or negative.  Results: 82 students participated (54.9% men, 45.1% women), with an average age of 25 years. Most belonged to socioeconomic strata 2 and 3; 41.5% identified as Catholic, and 39% as Adventist. While 89% acknowledged the legality of VTP in Colombia, there were misconceptions about the legal grounds and health institutions’ obligations. An intermediate perception was reported by 87.8%, and 80.4% believed that VTP should be openly discussed. Social media and informal conversations were the primary sources of information (35.3%), whereas religious beliefs had less influence (41.4% disagreed that religion shaped their perception).  Conclusion: Students exhibit an intermediate perception of VTP, with adequate knowledge but some misconceptions. It is recommended to strengthen education on sexual and reproductive rights and promote open discussions in universities.
PDF (Español (España))


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