Adherence of patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases to treatment, from the perspective of caregivers of the San Lucas Home
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Treatment Adherence
quality of life
social determinants of health
chronic noncommunicable diseases

How to Cite

Cruz Toloza, Y. A., Mondragón Castillo, S. Y., Estrada Martinez, A. D., & Ramos Caballero, E. J. (2024). Adherence of patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases to treatment, from the perspective of caregivers of the San Lucas Home. Lumini-Science: Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 47–70.


Introduction: Therapeutic adherence is crucial in non-communicable chronic diseases, as its absence exacerbates symptoms and increases the risk of complications. Strategies such as patient education and treatment simplification are key to improving adherence, there by optimizing quality of life and reducing the public health burden associated with these diseases. Objective: To determine patient adherence to pharmacological treatment for non-communicable chronic diseases from the caregiver's perspective at Hogar San Lucas. Methodology: This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The sample, selected through census sampling, consisted of 40 caregivers from Hogar San Lucas in Medellín. The instrument used was validated, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.83. Results: Analysis of the instrument revealed that 2.5% of individuals exhibited low treatment adherence, while the majority, 72.5%, demonstrated moderate adherence. Finally, 25% of participants showed high adherence to treatment. Conclusions: The study highlights variability in treatment adherence among patients with non-communicable chronic diseases, identifying deficiencies in physical activity and diet, alongside consistency in medication intake. In the psychosocial dimension, patient knowledge of their disease, as well as family and medical support were notable. The influence of social factors on treatment effectiveness is emphasized.
PDF (Español (España))


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